Thursday 4 November 2010

COMING SOON, FREE TRIAL.  No obligation.  No sign-up.  No cost.
I’ll update this blog daily with advices and results. However, the best way to take part is to e-mail me on and I’ll add you to the distribution.

Thank you for visiting my Blog. I'll be brief - I identify successful lay bets for UK horse racing. I’ll quickly tell you what I will do and what I won’t do.

I WILL . . .
Run this free trial long enough to give you a true reflection of the service
Provide successful lay bet advices for UK horse racing
Deliver an average of one point profit a day
E-mail subscribed members every day
Provide subscribed members with a dedicated contact number and personal e-mail address
Offer NO guarantees other than I’ll work as hard as possible to achieve profit
Ultimately, to subscribed members, provide ongoing success at a fair cost

I WON’T . . .
Promise the earth and not deliver
Disappear after a couple of weeks
Offer excuses when a result goes against us (as some will)
Offer guaranteed success (anyone that does should be treat with suspicion)
Provide detailed lists of previous successes; history starts now.

I’ll update this blog daily with advices and results. However, the best way to take part is to e-mail me on and I’ll add you to the distribution. Please feel free to ask any questions about the service and I’ll respond as soon as I can.

COMING SOON, FREE TRIAL.  No obligation.  No sign-up.  No cost.